Wmo & Co
vivofit activity

Vivofit activity tracker, day #1

It hurt being forced to bootup my laptop in Windows mode to configure my newly acquired Vivofit device. Before that it had hurt finding out my Galaxy SII phone would not connect to the vivofit, because of an older Android version that doesn't use all features of the phone's bluetooth (hey, the phone is only 4 years old, it should give me at least another 6 years)!

Before going down the CyanogenMod way with the phone, let's see what linux can do, to sync vivofit data to Garmin Connect.

First dabbled a bit with python-ant-downloader. Positive side-effect: it forced me to install the latest version of pyusb

Then stumbled on antfs-cli, and that tool does a perfect job copying the .fit files onto my linux box!

$ antfs-cli 

Driver available: [<class ant.base.driver.SerialDriver at 0xb701295c>, 
                   <class ant.base.driver.USB2Driver at 0xb7012d4c>, 
                   <class ant.base.driver.USB3Driver at 0xb7012e0c>]
 - Using: ant.base.driver.USB3Driver
Request basic information...
  Capabilities:  array('B', [8, 8, 0, 186, 54, 0, 223])
Starting system...
Key done...
Authenticating with vívofit (3893983957)
 - Pairing: OK
 - Set time: OK
Downloading 11 file(s)
Downloading 2015-10-06_07-32-12_1_0.fit: [..............................] ETA: 0:00:00
Downloading 2015-10-05_19-57-21_32_4.fit: [..............................] ETA: 0:00:00
Downloading 2015-10-05_21-19-34_32_5.fit: [..............................] ETA: 0:00:00
Downloading 2015-10-05_22-23-14_32_6.fit: [..............................] ETA: 0:00:00
Downloading 2015-10-05_22-24-50_32_7.fit: [..............................] ETA: 0:00:00
Downloading 2015-10-05_22-27-10_32_8.fit: [..............................] ETA: 0:00:00
Downloading 2015-10-05_22-28-39_32_9.fit: [..............................] ETA: 0:00:00
Downloading 2015-10-05_22-30-18_32_10.fit: [..............................] ETA: 0:00:00
Downloading 2015-10-06_01-00-00_32_11.fit: [..............................] ETA: 0:00:00
Downloading 2015-10-06_06-09-32_32_12.fit: [..............................] ETA: 0:00:00
Downloading 2015-10-06_06-43-51_32_13.fit: [..............................] ETA: 0:00:00

Upload these .fit files onto the garmin connect web site:

Don't really like the manual upload, but then this is day one and step one with the vivofit, surely we can further automate it!

Notes by Willem Moors. Generated on nini:/home/willem/sync/20140923_blog at 2018-06-16 11:17